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2020 Shanghai International STEAM Curriculum Developer Gold Awards




The Shanghai International STEAM Curriculum Developer Gold Awards aims to demonstrate the competitive form of innovative curriculum design, inspire educators to participate in the driving force of STEAM education and the potential of developing STEAM curriculum, and to discover the best STEAM teachers and curriculum resources in the world, so as to promote the prosperity and development of STEAM education.

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About the Jury


The Jury consists of 21 members. All members are externally hired by the competition organizing committee. The jury is independent of the organization committee and is fully responsible for the competition evaluation.

Competition Rules

海选赛 – 晋级赛 – 半决赛 – 决赛晋级制

Elections - Promotion - Semifinals - Finals



a. 参赛资历:



b. 参赛单位:


c. 课题范围:

   1.课程掩盖年岁段 :

         幼儿:3 - 6岁

         小学:7 - 12岁


         高中:16 – 18岁 





a. Eligibility:

   * Engaging in first-line teaching in schools or out-school educational institutions is a must;

   * At least 1 year of first-line teaching experience;

bParticipating units:

   Individual or group, each contestant can submit only one course;

cScope of the topic:

   1Target age group:

       Preschool: 3-6 years old

       Primary school: 7-12 years old

       Junior High: 13–15 years old

       High school: 16-18 years old

   2Subjects covered:

       Natural science, including: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Oceanology

       Social science, including: Economics, History, Culture, Arts

       Neotic Science, including: Mathematics, Engineering, Programming and Artificial Intelligence

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1. 严格遵循国际条约及中华人平易近共和国司法法规;

2. 育人目标契合学生中心素养展开偏向;

3. 坚持STEAM教育得真理、手艺、工程、艺术、数学跨学科整合、设定实在情形问题、以学生为中央、解决实际问题,正视真理商量和真理工程手艺实践并举;

4. 坚持培育 栽种 提升学生得批判性思惟、公平易近责随意识、毕生学习素养、信息手艺素养、创造性解决问题得素养、沟通协作素养、自我认知调控素养等。





General requirements:

1. Strict compliance with international conventions and laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;

2. The aim is in line with the development direction of students' core literacy;

3. Adhering to the interdisciplinary integration of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics in STEAM education, setting real problems, being student-centered, solving practical problems and paying attention to both scientific research and engineering technology practice;

4. Cultivating students' critical thinking, civic responsibility awareness, lifelong learning, IT knowledge, creative problem-solving skills, communication and cooperation, self-regulation and so on.

Design Guide:

The content of the work can be a practical application project extended from a certain discipline or a comprehensive practical activity course, such as a project combining any number of the following subjects (science, information technology, labor & technology, general technology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, language, history and other disciplines),  or a comprehensive STEAM project.

Originating from real life problems, the result is a complete work or action plan designed to solve the problem.

The project design needs to combine the characteristics and specific conditions of the target region's resources, emphasize regionality, originality, being photo-illustrated, vivid and interesting. It also needs to pay attention to the dialogue and interaction with students during the project implementation process.

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Specific Requirements (project design content)

1. 项目称号;

2. 项目背景简述,项目背景简述中应指明:项目成因(项目因何生成,即为什么要展开这个项目);依据得课程标准及教学实际(课程设计得理念、依据得实际)及育人目标;

3. 项目实施得情况和硬件要求;

4. 学者特征分析,即项目合适得学段(或年岁段);

5. 项目常识图谱,即项目所涉及得STEAM常识才能构造图(涉及得S、T、E、A、M学科常识或许才能得分项描绘)和学习者得前序基础要求(学生必需具有哪些基础常识和才能才可以进进该项目学习);

6. 项目总任务,即项目完成后,学生可解决如何得问题;

7. 项目总任务拆解后得挑战任务,即针对本项目整体要解决得问题,凭据课时和进度拆解得数个具有挑战意味得子任务;

8. 项目需要得课时及具体进度(设计)安置;

9. 项目实施进程设计:需契合项目教学得真理合感性,其中:项目实施流程图;前测设计;学生常识和概念基础;项目得进程性评价量表;学生得学案;项目得终结性评价量表;项目报告请示展现设计;后测设计;项目评价;项目实施反思为不可缺内容;

10. 项目所需得配套材料清单(列表);

11. 项目实施材料目录:包孕教学教材(便宜或品牌)、参考得网站、文献材料等。

1. Project title

2Brief description of the project background. The brief description of the project background should indicate: the cause of the project (the reason for the establishment of the project, why the project was launched); the curriculum standards and teaching theories (the concept of the curriculum design, the theory of the basis) and the educational purpose;

3Environment and hardware requirements for project implementation;

4. Analysis of learner characteristics, that is, the appropriate school period (or age group) of the project;

5. Project knowledge graph, that is, the graph of STEAM knowledge and ability involved in the project (item description of the S, T, E, A, and M subject knowledge or abilities involved) and the prerequisite basic requirements of the learner (what basic knowledge and ability must the student have can enter the project);

6. The general task of the project, that is, what problems students can solve after the project is completed;

7. The sub-tasks split from the overall task of the project, that is, several challenging sub-tasks broken down from the total task according to the progress of the course;

8. Class hours and specific schedule (plan) required for the project;

9. Project implementation plan: It must meet the scientific rationality of project teaching, including: project implementation flowchart; pre-test design; student knowledge and conceptual foundation; project process evaluation metrics; student case; metrics; project report display; post-test design; project evaluation; project implementation review;

10. List of supporting materials required for the project (list);

11. List of materials required for the project: including teaching materials (homemade or branded), reference websites, literature, etc.

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Optimization Requirements



After the contestants successfully advance to the next stage, they will receive the optimization requirements from the jury. According to the optimization requirements, the contestants must improve the entries in time and further submit relevant materials. The optimization requirements of the judges are intended to assist the contestants to create better works.

The organizing committee recommends that contestants carefully prepare the works submitted in the stage 1 election, because it not only guarantees the promotion, but also is the basis for the following optimization of the works.

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1. 规则契合性;

2. 育人偏向契合性(需正视品德、智力、体育、艺术、实操(着手才能)得综合培育 栽种 提升);

3. 立异性;

4. 专业性;

5. 可履行性。

The jury will score entries based on the following contents:

1. Rules compliance;

2. Compliance in educational direction (focusing on comprehensive training of morality, intelligence, sports, art, practical operation is a must);

3. Innovativeness;

4. Professionalism;

5. Executability.

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This year's competition is set up with a prize pool of 60,000 US dollars, of which the amount of Awards for Comprehensive Field is 55,000 US dollars, and the amount of Awards for Single Field is 5,000 US dollars.

综合项  Awards for Comprehensive Field

单项  Awards for Single Field

How to receive the rewards


All prizes can be accumulated, and the prize and the certification must be collected by the winner at the Shanghai International STEAM Curriculum Developer Gold Awards Presentation Ceremony in person. Tax shall be borne by the winner. If the contestant fails to be present in person on the last day of the competition, it will be deemed as an automatic abstention.

Laws, regulations and intellectual property

1. 参赛选手需严格遵循国际条约及中国当局司法法规;

2. 参赛作品必需是参赛者原创作品,未侵略他人得任何专利、著述权及其他常识产权,也未以任何形式进进商业渠道;

3. 所有参赛作品得常识产权回作者所有,组委会仅享有对该参赛作品举行宣传、展现等(不涉及细节)得权力;

4. 所有参赛作品得出书权、优先权及公益性应用权属于组委会;

5. 背反上述规则得参赛选手将被作废参赛资历并自行承当效果。

1. Contestants must strictly abide by international conventions and Chinese government laws and regulations;

2. Entries must be original works of the contestants without infringing any patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of others, or entering commercial channels in any form;

3. The intellectual property rights of all entries are owned by the author, and the organizing committee only has the right to publicize and display the entries (without details);

4. The copyright of all entries and the right to apply for public welfare belong to the organizing committee;

5. Contestants who violate the above rules will be disqualified from participating and bear the consequences themselves.

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The right to interpret the competition rules is owned by the Organizing Committee of the Shanghai International STEAM Curriculum Developer Gold Awards.



You can register through the STEAMEX official website, WeChat public account or the official partner platform designated by the organizer. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email from the organizing committee.


1. 本届大年夜赛,中国大年夜陆赛区得参赛选手请务必使用“百度网盘”上传作品,非此体式格式递交得作品组委会将不予承受。

2. 请您在填写完2020上海国际STEAM课程开发者黄金大年夜奖赛报名表、参赛承诺书和在“百度网盘”上传作品后,将表格及作品链接、提取码以邮件形式发送至curriculum@stemfunland.com

1. Contestants in the Mainland China sector must upload their works by using "Baidu Netdisk". The works submitted by other method will not be accepted.

2. After completing the registration form of the 2020 Shanghai International STEAM Curriculum Developer Gold Awards, the letter of commitment for contestants, and uploading the works onto "Baidu Netdisk", please send the form and extraction code of “Baidu Netdisk” to curriculum@stemfunland.com by email.

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若您在报名或提交作品时代遇就业何问题,可致电:86-21-5179 6264,组委会将竭诚为您提供协助。

If you have any questions during the registration or submission of works, please call us: 86-21-5179 6264.


Organizing Committee of Shanghai International STEAM

Curriculum Developer Gold Awards


March, 2020


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