SUMMER STEAM | 我们与自然和科学有个约会

为2019届预科班量身打造的Summer Steam课程进行正酣,近一个月来,宝贝们完全脱离助教的辅助,与外教在知识程度更加密集的环境中,接受体系化的熏陶引导,不仅语言能力得到飞跃式提升,也将科学、技术、英语、数理逻辑与艺术设计融合的跨学科教育收入自己的知识宝库。In the past month, the babies have completely separated from the assistant of teaching assistants and received systematic edification and guidance from foreign teachers in a more knowledge-intensive environment. Not only the language ability has been promoted by leaps and bounds, but also the interdisciplinary education of science, technology, English, mathematical logic and art design will be integrated into their own knowledge treasure house.

作为升学前最后一个月的知识与能力衔接,Nik希望宝贝能够受益于多元智能和语言习得的全面融合,启发并更新思维,同时连结对世界无休止的好奇,信心百倍迎接新生活。As a link between knowledge and ability in the last month before further school, Nik hopes that students will benefit from the full integration of multiple intelligences and language acquisition, inspire and renew thinking, while maintaining endless curios/安卓ity about the world and welcoming a new life with confidence.

放 纸 船
Paper Boat
暮夏午后,阳光依旧炽烈,湖面闪烁着粼粼波光。宝贝们与Julia携手来到湖畔,感受扑面而来的凉爽。After the late summer afternoon, the sun was still blazing and the lake sparkled. Baby and Julia hand in hand to the lake, feel the cool coming.
课堂上精心叠成的纸船,在这里有了用武之地,他们将纸船顺风轻轻抛出,注视它们载着对未来生活的期待与祝愿,沿湖水蜿蜒远行。The paper boat, which is carefully folded in class, has a place to use, and they throw the paper boat down the wind and watch them carry on the expectation and the best of the future life, winding along the lake water.
纸船拨开清晰的轨迹,随着阵阵微小动荡,涟漪层层蔓延,与欢快的心跳同频,宝贝与自然之间的交互愈加丰富。With the clear trajectory of the paper boat, with the small turbulence, ripples spread layer by layer, with the happy heartbeat, the interaction between baby and nature is becoming more and more abundant.
他们用各个环节互相呼应的学习、实验,解释和检验一些观念,这种求实的思索态度对未来的学习益处多多。They use each link to echo each other to learn, experiment, explain and test some ideas, this realistic thinking attitude is of great benefit to future learning.

绘 星 空
Draw the starry sky
对事物细节的观察与延伸想象,在Julia的课堂中,毫无保存地落于纸面。The observation and extension of the details of things in the Julia classroom, unreservedly fell on the paper.

宝贝们以纯真的视角观察星星、月亮的形象,描摹出奇妙的线条与符号,时时停一下笔,与Julia的画作仔细比较。Children look at stars and the moon from a pure perspective, depict wonderful lines and symbols, stop pens from time to time, and compare them carefully with Julia's paintings.深蓝的水粉勾勒出渐渐丰满的夜空,金黄的月亮在云朵间穿行,宝贝将形象与基础认知进行重组,思索添加什么细节更有趣味,个性化的展现映照了创作时愉悦、开放的心境。The dark blue water powder outlines the gradually plump night sky, the golden moon walks through the clouds, the baby reorganizes the image with the basic cognition, ponders what details are more interesting, and the personalized display reflects the pleasant and open state of mind in the creation.

A trip to plant interest
幼儿时期的知识、技能与情感积累,在Summer STEAM课程里得到集中与放大。我们趁热打铁,启程前往植趣咖啡厅,实实在在地碰触、嗅探每一株植物,与自然建立共情的链接。The accumulation of knowledge, skills and emotions in early childhood has been concentrated and magnified in the Summer STEAM curriculum. We took advantage of the iron, set off for the plant coffee shop, actually touched, sniffed each plant, and established a empathy link with nature.
宝贝对每一种生命都充满好奇,积极询问园艺师植株的名字与特点,他们就像吸收知识的小海绵,受好奇心驱使,与陌生的成人也能迅速建立联系。Child is curious about every kind of life and actively asks horticulturists about the names and characteristics of plants. They are like small sponges that absorb knowledge. Driven by curios/安卓ity, they can quickly connect with unfamiliar adults.孩子们友爱地互相依偎,讨论着植株蓬勃的生命力与对环境的益处,这份对新知充满兴趣的模样,让老师们为之动容。The children snuggled up to each other affectionately, discussing the vigorous vitality of the plant and the benefits to the environment. This look of interest in new knowledge moved the teachers.

抓住季节的尾巴,我们来到在海天相接的远处,重温夏日梦幻。Seize the season's tail, and we come to the distance of the sea, and relive the summer dream.

海水的波动、沙粒的细密,与手掌沉浸在水中时浮力与阻力的往复交替,无论感受过多少次,再和小伙伴提起时,都是生动、深刻的回忆。The fluctuation of sea water, the fineness of sand particles, and the alternation of buoyancy and resistance when the palm is immersed in the water, no matter how many times I have felt, and then mentioned with my little partner, are vivid and profound memories.

海的壮阔与新鲜,容纳着无以计数的生命与岁月,常识、方式、进程、感情、态度在潮涨潮落间演化为一个有机整体,宝贝在这个框架中建立起自然与科学素养的立体布局,为养成良好的环保立场和科学精力奠定基础。The splendor and freshness of the sea contain countless lives and years, common sense, ways, processes, feelings and attitudes that have evolved into an organic whole between the ups and downs of the tide and tide. Baby has established a three-dimensional layout of natural and scientific literacy in this framework, laying the foundation for the cultivation of a good environmental protection position and scientific energy.

Equestrian class
周五,最后一节马术课如期而至。宝贝热情拥抱自己的马匹,轻轻摩挲着毛绒绒面颊,低声絮语,难舍难分。On Friday, the last equestrian class arrived as scheduled. Baby hugged his horse enthusiastically, gently rubbed his plush cheek, whispered, indistinguishable.

儿童比成人更加注重感知觉的细微变化,他们能够体会到马儿对奔驰的期待、对指令的积极响应,在马背上也就表现得更加耐心和自信。Children pay more attention to subtle changes in perception than adults. They can feel the horse's expectation of running, the positive response to instructions, and show more patience and confidence on the back of the horse.

富有节奏感的步伐,描绘出具有无限生命力的朴素、自然的痕迹,更值得回味的是宝贝们掌握马术这门独一无二的沟通与领导艺术后,在观察、尝试、思考中收获的自我实现的成就感。With the pace of the rhythm of the rhythm, a simple and natural trace of infinite vitality is drawn, and it is more worthy of the aftertaste that the baby master the unique communication and leadership art of the equestrian, and observe, try and think about the realization of self-actualization.
儿童与自然有着天然的契合性,他们都具有天真的品行、博爱的性格,是世间最珍贵的礼物。Children and nature have the natural fit, they all have the nature of the day, the character of the love, is the most precious gift in the world.
伟才从奠基儿童未来入手,致力于在庇护这份天然的前提下,引导儿童自然长成,令良好的审美、学习、思维与社交等品质根深蒂固。Starting from laying the foundation for the future of children,Great Man is committed to guiding children to grow naturally under the premise of protecting this nature, so that good aesthetic, learning, thinking and social qualities are deeply rooted.
祝愿孩子们能够连结当下的率真,未来仍旧以充沛的兴趣与活力投身学习与生活。I wish children can maintain the present frank, the future is still full of interest and energy devoted to study and life.
