
来源:互联网 编辑:wan玩得好手游小编更新:2024-11-11 13:58:09 人气:


The secret of virus



How can infectious diseases be transmitted?


Today we are going to talk about the topic: How can infectious disease be transmitted? A contagious disease will be spread by following ways:

1. 动物到人有一些疾病可以由动物和人接触而举行传达。比如蚊子或许虱子,在历史上接触了患有疟疾或许黑死病的病人,就会在人群中分散这种疾病。

Animal to Person:Quite a few human diseases are transmitted to humans by animals, especially mosquitoes and fleas. For example, humans can become infected malaria when they are bitten by a mosquito infected with the malaria parasite. In the real history, fleas were the source of black death.

2. 人到人: 许多呼吸系统的感染病可以通过病人在打喷嚏或许咳嗽时发作的飞沫举行传达,比如流感等。还有一些病原体会通过患者和其它人之间的彼此接触举行传达。

Person to Person: Many diseases that affect the respiratory system are passed from one person to another through the air by a sneeze or cough. Pathogens can also be passed when an infected person touches another person.

3. 受到污染的物体,水和食物到人:假如患者身上的病菌污染了物体,他的生活废物污染了水和食物,这样会感染到更多的人。

Contaminated objects, water and food to person: If pathogens from infected person pollute the environment, the range of transmission will increase, and more people will be infected.


How did virus come into human body?


Now the question from you will be how did viruses come into human body? Viruses can come into your body through all your openings(eyes, mouth, ears, noses, anus and even cuttings).


How long will viruses survive after leaving our bodies?


If the viruses leave human body, how long will they survive? In dry environment, viruses can survive a few minus to 48 hours. And air and UV light can kill them sooner. But they can remain longer in wet environment.


How to protect yourself?

Personal sanitation团体卫生:

Wear facemask, Wash your hands, No eyes or nose rubbing.


Household Precautions居家留心事项:

Keep your home clean, including pet’s belongings. 坚持家庭清洁,包孕宠物用品;

Open windows for better ventilation. 开窗坚持空气疏浚流畅;

Close the toilet prior to flushing .冲厕时盖厕板。

Outdoor Precautions外出留心事项:

Avoid crowded places .避免往人多中央;

Avoid wet markets. 避免前往湿市场;

Avoid going out if you are feeling unwell.假如感到不适,请勿外出;

Avoid eating wild animals. 避免食用野生动物。

Boosting Immunity提升免疫力:

8 glasses of water everyday. 天天8杯水;

Eat more vegetables and fruits. 多吃蔬菜和水果;

Step out in the Sun. 晒晒太阳;

Regular Exercises. 坚持锤炼;

Adequate Sleep. 充沛睡眠;

Stay away from 2nd hand smoke.  远离二手烟。

大师很想晓得这场战争将来的走向如何?将来 往日我们将用一个兔子和病毒的战争为例子通知大师这场病毒战的将来。并且其实不是所有病毒都是坏的,有些病毒也可以辅佐我们来医治一些很难治愈的疾病,比如癌症。
将来 往日等你喔!

Every wants to know what will be our future in this battle. Tomorrow we will use a classic example of rabbits VS viruses to tell you the answer. Furthermore, we are going to talk about the future usage of viruses. Some viruses can help us to solve the problem of killing cancer cells. 

See you tomorrow!







