活动时间 Conference Date
2019年12月8日December 8, 2019东莞市松山湖南路8号 清华附中清澜山学校新校区 Tsinglan School new campus , Tai Nan Road No.8, Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong Province官网:http://www.tsinglan.cn
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STEAM项目管理者、学术总监、STEAM教育相关学科老师、创客教育研究组织、创客教育机构、其他相关机构等STEAM project manager, academic director, teacher of STEAM education, Maker Education research organizer, Maker Education Institution, other relevant institutions, and etc.一、日程放置Conference Schedule
12月8日高峰论坛日程放置December 8 Forum Schedule |
时间 |
环节 |
主讲人 |
地点 |
内容 |
08:00-09:00会议签到Sign in |
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欢迎演讲 :清澜山学校校长 辛颖
Welcome Speech: Principal Cynthia Xin
Welcome Speech
主题演讲1:清华附中校长 王殿军
Speech 1:Principal DianjunWang
Theory and practice of STEAM
Speech 2:CEO Dave Micklos
Biotechnology Education in US high schools and the implementation of the Asian model of DNA Learning Center
主题演讲3:美国西北大学教授Faisal Akkawi
Speech 3:Dr. Faisal Akkawi
Exploration on the training of future skills and STEAM education
茶歇换场Tea Break |
分论坛1 Sub-Forum 1 |
主题演讲1: 北京师范大学中国创新教育研究院研究员 李茂
Speech 1: Researcher Mao Li
A101 |
STEAM课程中的学习力培养The training of learning ability in STEAM course |
主题演讲2: 清澜山学校学术校长
Speech 2:Dr. Jonathan Gastel
Future STEAM teacher leadership development
分论坛2 |
主题演讲1: 广东外语外贸大学教授沈璐
Speech 1:Professor Shen Lu
The third
floor of
the library
STEAM project is engineering practice in learning
主题演讲2: 沈阳师范大学教授、清澜山学术顾问王维
Speech 2:Doctor Wei Wang
STEAM education and knowledge structure
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二、会议简介 Conference Overview
2019RAISE大会上,清华附中王殿军校长大声疾呼:“我们的教育必须作出必要的变革,并且是以能力为中心,真正落实在教学和评价的内容里的变革。”At the 2009 RAISE conference, Principle Wang Dianjun of the Tsinghua University High School called out: "Our education must make the necessary changes, which is centered on ability, implemented in the content of teaching and evaluation."作为教育改革的先行人,王校长曾在采访中指出,拔尖人才往往具有优秀的综合素质,具有自己的个性和特色,对于某些方面有特殊的天赋或兴趣,并且有非常强的学习能力和追求卓越的品格。As a forerunner of education reform, Principle Wang pointed out in an interview that top talents often have excellent comprehensive quality, personality, characteristics, special talent or interest in some aspects, and have very strong learning ability and pursuit of excellence.这样的孩子往往并不安于现状,要求超越自我,是有梦想、有恒心、有学习激情和动力的孩子。因此,对于这一类孩子,综合性的素质评价体系可以更好的通过心理、智力、动手、活动等多方面,科学的对人才进行评判。其中,STEAM教育就是主要培养学生解决问题的能力和跨学科知识的运用能力的一种课程,是拔尖人才培养的一个很好途径。Such children are often not satisfied with the existing status and desire to surpass themselves. They are children with dreams, perseverance, passion and motivation for learning. Therefore, for such kind of children, the comprehensive evaluation system can better judge talents through various factors such as maturity, intelligence, practical skills and others. Among them, STEAM education is such kind of course that mainly trains students' ability to solve problems and apply cross-disciplinary knowledge. It is a good way to cultivate top talents.STEM课程的升级版STEAM是一种融合科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、艺术(Arts)和数学(Maths)的教育方法,致力于培养学生的跨学科提问意识、对话能力和批判性思维。The upgraded STEM course is STEAM which integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. It is dedicated to cultivating students' awareness of cross-disciplinary questioning skill, discussion and critical thinking abilities.继2015年9月,中国教育部在《关于“十三五”期间全面深入推进教育信息化工作的指导意见(征求意见稿)》中提出探索STEAM教育模式,在中国许多的学校里包含清华附中在内,对STEAM这种跨学科的教育是非常重视的。而近年来,国外本科升学要求中对于申请学生的跨学科知识运用能力及实践经历也愈加看重。因此,STEAM课程的探索及推广势在必行。In September 2015, the Ministry of Education of China proposed to explore the STEAM education mode in“The Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively and Deeply Promoting the Work of Education Informatization during the 13th Five-Year Plan (Draft for comments)”. Many schools in China, including the Tsinghua University High School, pay much attention to the cross-disciplinary education such as STEAM.鉴于未来人才需要具有可迁移能力、批判性思维能力以及热衷于探索学习及方法,因此,清华大学附属中学联合中国下一代教育基金会、广东省留学服务协会国际化学校专委会以及顶思TopSchools,将于12月7-8日在东莞的清华附中清澜山学校举办“Link & Leap高峰论坛暨STEAM课程与科技赋能教育交流峰会”。Based on the need that future talents should have transferrable skillsets, critical thinking skill and be passionate in exploratory learning and methods, Tsinghua University High School along with China’s Next Generation Educational Foundation, International School Committee of GuangDong Study Abroad Service Association and TopSchools, will hold "Link & Leap Summit & STEAM Courses Technology Empowering Education Forum" at Tsinglan School, Tsinghua University High School, in Dongguan on December 7 - 8.活动特邀来自国内外顶尖大学、中学、科技领域等专家共同探讨未来人才发展的趋势及需求,探讨STEAM教育理念,相互交流实践经验,建立与完善国内基础教育 STEAM课程体系。Experts from top universities, middle schools, science and technology fields in China and abroad are invited to discuss the trend and demand of talent development in the future, discuss the STEAM education concept, exchange practical experience with each other, and establish and improve STEAM curriculum in compulsory education system in China.
中国下一代教育基金会 China Next Generation Educational Foundation
广东省留学服务协会国际化学校专委会 International School Committee of GuangDong Study Abroad Service Association
东莞市科普中心 Dongguan Science Popularization Center
顶思 TopSchools TopSchools
清华大学附属中学 Tsinghua University High School
- 东莞市科普中心Dongguan Science Popularization Center
- 清华附中清澜山学校Tsinghua University Tsinglan School
- 广东富趣教育科技有限公司 Guangdong FuQu Education & Technology Co.,Ltd
- 东莞市科普志愿服务协会 Dongguan Voluntary Service Association for Science and Technology Promotion
- 全童科教(东莞)有限公司 Qt Steam Education Co.,Ltd
- 东莞市松山湖普林斯整理幼儿园 Princeton Preschool
- 广东教育国际交流服务中心东莞分中心 Guangdong education service of international exchange
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三、清澜山学校简介Tsinglan School Overview

清澜山学校是由华为投资控股有限公司和清华大学附属中学联合创办的一所国际化学校,由华为投资控股有限公司出资,清华附中负责学校教育教学运行。Tsinglan School is a K-12 international school committed to blending the best of Chinese and Western education philosophies and practices. The School is managed by Tsinghua University Affiliated High School.清澜山学校采用清华附中国际课程,以中西合璧的教育理念,博采中国教育和国际教育之所长,庇护中国文化中的精髓部分,提供扎根中国,富有清华特色的国际教育。Curriculum at Tsinglan School is built upon the Tsinghua University Affiliated High School International Curriculum, which integrates Chinese and Western education philosophies, blends the best domestic and international educational practices, and delivers a unique international education with Chinese heritage and Tsinghua characteristics.清澜山学校的招生对象:学前班至12 年级的学生。学段划分为:3-5 岁混龄幼儿班、5-6 岁高级班,1-5 小学,6-8 初中,9-12 高中。学前至小学阶段采用沉浸式中英双语教学模式,初高中则逐步过渡到以英文教学为主,为学生进入国际一流大学做好语言和学术能力上的准备。We provide education to students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. The four Schools include Kindergarten, Lower School (grades 1 to 5), Middle School (grades 6 to 8), and Upper School (grades 9 to 12). From Kindergarten to Lower school, students are immersed in a Chinese-English bilingual environment. From Middle to Upper School, students will gradually transition to English only teaching, and be prepared for future top-level international university education.清华附中清澜山学校的教育使命定位为“培养无限可能的人才,创造无限可能的世界”。清澜校训为:尝试,一切可能。Tsinghua University Affiliated High School’s educational mission statement of the academy is, "cultivate limitless talents, and create a limitless world." Encourage students to try and all is possible.清澜山学校致力于整合最优教育资源,提供多彩教育平台,采用丰富教学模式,把提高学生的人文素养渗透到文化课学习以及体育教育、科技教育和艺术教育之中,追求在具备丰富人文积累、创新思维和知识储备的基础上培养学生独立思想、自由精神和责任意识。We strive to integrate the best educational resources and teaching practices to build a world-class educational platform. We work to educate the child to completeness through humanities, science, technology, fine arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities. At Tsinglan School, students will develop language, literary, cultural knowledge, creative thinking, collaboration skills, independence, freedom, and, responsibility.官网:http://www.tsinglan.cn
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王殿军校长 Principal Wang Dianjun

王校长在教育领域不断探索和创新,从人才培养、改革创新、社会责任三个方面为清华附中制定发展规划,提出“以世界一流为目标,打造品牌学校”的办学目标、“为领袖人才奠基”的办学使命,大力提倡课程建设、教学改革、创新人才培养模式、发展国际教育,取得卓越办学成绩。特别近年探索开发并推进大学先修课程体系、研究开发并在北京市推广使用学生综合素质评价系统,为基础教育改革做出努力。曾获得“当代教育名家”荣誉称号、“全国特色教育先进工作者”称号、“全国特色教育杰出校长”称号、全国教育改革创新杰出校长奖、清华大学优秀党员等多项荣誉。The Principal of the Tsinghua University high School, has successively obtained a Doctor's degree and a postdoctoral degree in the school of mathematics of Peking University and the Department of mathematics of Tsinghua University. After graduating from the postdoctoral program in 1999, he stayed in the school for seven years as an associate professor, Professor, doctoral supervisor and Secretary of the Party committee of the Department of mathematics of Tsinghua University. Principal Wang has been exploring and innovating in the field of education. From three aspects of talent cultivation, reform and innovation, and social responsibility, he has formulated a development plan for the attached middle school of Tsinghua University. He has put forward the school running objectives of "Building a Brand School with the World-Class Goal" and the school running mission of "Laying the Foundation for Leading Talents". He has vigorously advocated curriculum construction, teaching reform, innovation of talent training mode, and development of international education and achieved outstanding school performance. Especially in recent years, we have explored and promoted the system of University's advanced courses, research and development, and promoted the use of the comprehensive quality evaluation system of students in Beijing, making efforts for the reform of basic education. He has won the honorary title of "contemporary educator", "advanced worker of national characteristic education", "outstanding president of national characteristic education", outstanding president award of national education reform and innovation, outstanding Party member of Tsinghua University and many other honors.
Doctor Paul Lowe

现任AOBA日本国际学校教学法专家,负责全校的学习环境建设。教授Paul Lowe曾指导并联合发表了跨学校和学生层次的团队问题式研究项目。他曾获得首届新西兰总理科学奖,并曾任职总理科学咨询委员会。任职阿布扎比ADEC高级科学课程专家5年间,他主导了一项成功转向以学生为中心的基于团队的调研。Paul还是科廷大学的兼职研究员,负责评审博士和国际论文。
At present he is a teaching expert method in AOBA Japan International School, and is responsible for the construction of learning environment in the school. Professor Paul Lowe has directed and jointly published team problem-based research projects across school and student levels. He won the first Prime Minister of New Zealand Science Award and served on the prime minister's Science Advisory Committee. During his five years as academic senior science program expert in Abu Dhabi, he led a successful transition to student-centered, team-based research. Professor Paul Lowe is also a part-time researcher at Curtin University, where he reviews doctoral and international papers.Doctor Dave Micklos

创建了DNA学习中心(DNALC),是世界上第一个致力于公共遗传学教育的科学中心。DNALC是冷泉港实验室(CSHL)的一个运营单位,因其在基因组学和分子生物学方面的引用影响而在全球排名第一。DNALC每年的运营预算为400万美元,拥有30名生物学家、认证教师、科学传播者、设计师和计算机程序员的多学科员工。DNALC是世界上18个博物馆和高等教育机构实践实验室项目的典范。Dave Micklos博士的三本教科书,DNA科学,实验室DNA科学和基因组科学帮忙在高中和大学教室普及DNA教育。Dave Micklos博士是国家生物研究网络基础设施CyVerse和国家生物技术高级技术教育中心InnovATEBIO的联合领导。Dave Micklos博士获得了1990年达纳教育先锋成就奖、2011年教育在线资源科学奖和2012年美国遗传学学会教育卓越奖。他是美国科学促进协会(AAAS)的一名成员,也是CSHL唯一一名从沃森生物科学学院获得荣誉科学博士学位的工作人员。
Founded the DNA Learning Center (DNALC) as the world’s first science center devoted to public genetics education. The DNALC is an operating unit of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), ranked No.1 worldwide for citation impact in genomics and molecular biology. The DNALC has an annual operating budget of US $4 million and employs a multidisciplinary staff of 30 biologists, certified teachers, science communicators, designers, and computer programmers. The DNALC was the model of practical laboratory projects for 18 museums and higher education institutions around the world. Dr. Micklos’ three textbooks, DNA Science, Laboratory DNA Science, and Genome Science helped popularize DNA education in high school and college classrooms. Dr. Micklos is Co-leader of CyVerse, a national cyberinfrastructure for biology research, and of InnovATEBIO, the national Advanced Technological Education Center for biotechnology. Dr. Micklos received the 1990 Dana Award for Pioneering Achievement in Education, the 2011 Science Prize for Online Resources in Education, and the 2012 Genetics Society of America Award for Excellence in Education. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and is the only CSHL staff member to receive an honorary Doctor of Science degree from its Watson School of Biological Sciences.
Doctor Faisal Akkawi

美国西北大学信息系统硕士项目的项目主任、计算机科学学院主管,伊利诺伊理工学院计算机科学博士。AIHUB 学术与顾问委员会委员。他的专业领域是并发系统的软件体系结构,而他的研究兴趣也包含了响应式/自适应智能系统和并发程序语言的设计问题。Faisal Akkawi教授曾获2013年美国航空航天总局(NASA)杰出教员表彰,为国际空间站设计诊断、报警和预警一体化的网络信息系统。
The faculty director of the Master of Science in Information Systems Program at Northwestern University. AIHUB Academic and Advisory Committee Member. His area of specialization is software architecture for concurrent systems, and his research interests also include reactive/adaptive intelligent systems and design issues of concurrent programming languages. Selected for the NASA Faculty Fellowship Program in 2003, Akkawi designed and implemented a framework that was used in the advanced diagnostic and caution and warning system for the International Space Station. He has an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in computer science from Illinois Institute of Technology.
李茂研究员Researcher Li Mao

Educational innovation and school development consultant, western education translator, media planner, part-time researcher of China Education Innovation Institute of Beijing Normal University, founder of Beijing Yidi think tank inspiring laboratory.
Doctor Jonathan Gastel

Academic principal of Tsinglan School. Dr. Gastel graduated from Yale University (B.A.) and Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D). He is committed to promoting students' pursuit of higher academic, leadership and moral goals. He has taught various subjects in both public and private schools in the United States and internationally, including Stuyvesant High School in New York City. He has also created and led a number of successful project-based teaching programs. He was once was the Supervisor of Secondary Science at Pelham, New York, and Dean of Academics at New York Military Academy.

Associate professor of English, Guangdong University of foreign studies, director of the center for basic education research and teacher development of Guangdong University of foreign studies, and director of international courses of Guangzhou foreign language school. At present, Professor Shen Lu mainly studies English/Bilingual Science Teaching in primary schools, STEM project development, etc. Presided over a STEM education project at national, provincial and municipal levels. Many STEM course cases and research papers won the provincial first prize. The first batch of STEM senior seminar students from China Academy of Education Sciences to study in UK.
王维博士 Doctor Wang Wei

清澜山学校学术顾问。本科和硕士均毕业于清华大学(TsingHua University),后在美国北科罗拉多大学(University of Northern Colorado)的教育技术专业获得第二个硕士学历,并最终在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)获得教学与课程专业博士PhD。
Academic consultant of Tsinglan School. He obtained both bachelor's degree and master's degree from Tsinghua University. After that, he obtained the second master's degree in education technology from the University of Northern Colorado in the United States, and finally obtained PhD in teaching and curriculum from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the United States.
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