"From STEM to STEAM, Structure and Mechanism Design of A-Led Innovation STEAM Education" International Symposium
There are nine days away from the opening
DATE:From October 29 to November 3, 2019
Place:College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
峰会介绍/ Symposium Introduction

日程放置/ Schedule

分论坛详情介绍/Pre-Forum Introduction
分论坛 1 / Pre-Forum 1: 数制工坊全球网络及本土化课程系统及实践 / Fablab Global and Reginal Networks, FAB Academy and STEAM fomula: FABX(FABOX, SCOPES)
全球FABLAB网络建设/Fablab and Global Network
Sherry J Lassiter
Fab Foundation co-founder/ Fab基金会联合创始人
Academany:通过全球Fab Lab网络进行的分布式教育计划/Academany: Distributed education programs through the Global Fab Lab network

Fiore Basile Cecilia
Fabricademy联合创始人,Fab基金会首席信息官/Fabricademy co-founder, Fab Foundation Chief Information Officer
中国数制工坊及实践/ FABO and Its STEAM practice
Jeff Ding
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊创始人,同济大学设计创意学院副教授
Fab基金会项目之一—SCOPES-DFSCOPES-DF A Fab Foundation Project
Sarah P. Wallace
克利夫兰大都会学区Fab Lab协调员/
Cleveland Metro School District Fab Lab Coordinator
实验创新工具/Tools that create new experiments
Hyebin Goo
首尔创新 Fab Lab负责人/
Director of Seoul Innovation Fab Lab
一种新的可持续教育方法——Fablab分布式学习系统/Fablab, the Distributed Learning System: A new sustainable educational approach
Daniele Ingrassia
FABAcademy全球权威导师,莱茵瓦尔应用科学大学科学助理/FABAcademy Guru,Scientific Assistant for Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences

分论坛 2 / Pre-Forum 2: 数制工坊STEAM课程系统衍生 / Fablab STEAM and Creative Education extentions : Textile Academy, Bio Hacking
STEAM与研究文化/STEAM & Cultures of Research
Lucas Evers
姆斯特丹Waag – Technology & Society开放Wet Lab发起 人/Initiator of Open Wet Lab at Waag – Technology & Society,Amsterdam, Netherlands
为STEM / STEAM创客教育设计有意义的学习体验/Designing meaningful learning experience for STEM/STEAM maker education
William Hooi
新加坡壹创集团(OneMaker Group Singapore)另类创客/MisChief Maker of OneMaker Group Singapore.
Foldscope - 全民科学显微镜,通用科学探索工具/Foldscope - Citizen Science Microscope, Universal Accessibility to Scientific Exploration Tools
Phanuwit Rico Kanthatham
镰仓Fab Lab助理讲师/
Assistant Instructor, FabLab Kamakura
STEM教育K-12中国落地的实践与探索/ Practical Research of Chinese K-12 STEM Education
深圳市坪山区教育科学研究所所长/ Director Institute of Educational Science, Pingshan District, Shenzhen
赋能于未来创新者/Empowering the Innovators of the Future
李顺荣 William Lee
Ultimaker亚太区总监/ Ultimaker Asia Pacific Director

分论坛 3 / Pre-Forum 3: STEAM创新教育生态圈 / STEAM Eco-System
融合的力量——智能时代的STEM教育/ The Power of Integration - STEM Education in Intelligent Era
中国教育科学研究院国际与比较教育研究所所长、STEM教育研究中心主任/Director of STEM Education Research Center of National Institute Of Education Sciences, Director of World Council of Comparative Education Societies, National Institute Of Education Sciences
区域教研如何帮忙学校构建STEM课程/ How regional co-research can help schools build their STEM courses system
Director of Haidian Teachers Training Center
未来已来/ The future has come
独立学者,探月学校督学,惠灵校董,高产作家/ Independent scholar, lunar school Supervisor, Huiling school board member, Prolific writer
项目式学习/ Project-Based Learning
Founder of Sanyou PBL College
我们(郝经芳&王令杰)创作中对技术的运用/Application of technology in our(Jingfang Hao & Lingjie Wang) artistic creation
跨学科教育实践/Interdisciplinary Education in Practice
艺术家,教育工作者,现任教于上海纽约大学交互媒体艺术系,担任艺术学助理教授/Artist,Educator,Clinical Assistant Professor of Arts at Department of Interactive Media Art, New York University Shanghai

峰会详情介绍/ Symposium Introduction
如何智造万物/How to Make (Almost) Anything
Neil A. Gershenfeld
美国麻省理工学院教授,比特与原子研究中心主任;全球FABLab-“数制”工坊创始人/Professor, Director , Center for Bits and Atoms, MIT
Fablab全球和当地网络以及丰富的课程/Fablab global and local network and extensive curriculum

Fiore Basile
Fab Foundation/Fab基金会
全球织造学术/Textile Academy
Cecilia Raspanti
Fab Foundation、Waag society/Fab基金会、瓦格社区
全球生物智造学术/Bio Hacking Academy
Lucas Evers
Waag society/瓦格社区
SCOPE Steam 实战/SCOPE STEAM Practice
Sarah P. Wallace
Fab Foundation/Fab基金会
中国数制工坊和它的STEAM实践/FABO and Its STEAM Practice
Jeff Ding
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊创始人,同济大学副教授/Founder and Director of Fablab O Shanghai; Associate Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
基于联合国可持续发展目标的项目制学习PBL based SDG
Saverio Silli
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊教研主任/Director of Courses, Fablab O Shanghai
亚洲Fablab年会及FAN6交接仪式/FAN 5 to FAN 6 introduction and ceremony
Hyebin GOO
Fablab Seoul Co-Found /首尔Fablab联合创始人

PBL成功策略/PBL Success Strategies
Suzie Boss
美国PBLworks委员会成员,作家,教育顾问,PBL倡导者/Suzie Boss is the member of the American PBLworks committee, a writer, an educational consultant and PBL advocate.
人工智能和设计/AI & Design
Kostas Teridis
同济大学设计创意学院 教授/Professor of Tongji D&I
STEM课程设计之我见/ My opinion on STEM course design
南京师范大学教育科学学院教授/Professor of Academy of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University
如何培养当今学习者的设计思维模式/ How to cultivate the design thinking of modern learners
Principal of Beijing Bayi Middle School
(拟)行走在STEAM教育的探索之路上/STEAM education explore(Temporarily drafted)
Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School, Principal
(拟)为未来培养创新教育人才/Cultivate innovative education talents for the future(Temporarily drafted)
西南大学附属中学,STEAM教育分管副校长/High School Affiliated to Southwest University,Vice President of STEAM Education
创造力与创新教育/Creativity And Innovative Education
中国科学院心理研究所研究员、博士生导师/ Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
报名信息/Registration information
Time: October 29 to November 3, 2019
1500 RMB (full participation: 3-day workshop and thematic discussion, including all documents, Summit and Visit to Innovative Schools and Laboratories)
600 RMB (Summit for November 2 Only)
Registration and payment : register by scanning the QR code below or clicking “read the original text”The organizing committee will contact you for payment and so on after you fill out this form.

详情咨询/For Details:
Rio Xue:18621284185、021-80181915
